risk management

Mitigating Construction Risk through Collaborative Risk Management with Edara Systems’ Expertise and Tools


Risk is an inherent part of any construction project. From financial and time-related constraints to design, safety, and environmental uncertainties, construction businesses must be prepared to effectively navigate these potential hazards. A comprehensive risk management strategy plays a vital role in addressing these uncertainties, ensuring project success and financial stability.

Collaborative Risk Management (CRM) is an innovative approach to risk management that highlights the importance of communication, teamwork, and the shared responsibility of all stakeholders in identifying and mitigating risks. By tackling risk management as a collective endeavour, CRM enables construction businesses to benefit from the diverse expertise and perspectives of all project participants.

Edara Systems New Zealand, a boutique industry consultancy and construction management software firm, recognises the transformative potential of Collaborative Risk Management in the construction industry. In this educational blog, we will explore the principles, processes, and benefits of CRM, showcasing the ways in which Edara Systems can support your construction business in adopting this powerful and comprehensive risk management approach.

1. Principles of Collaborative Risk Management

Collaborative Risk Management encompasses several key principles that differentiate it from traditional risk management approaches:

  • Shared Responsibility: CRM emphasises that risk management is not solely the responsibility of project managers but requires the involvement and commitment of all stakeholders, including subcontractors, suppliers, and clients.
  • Communication and Transparency: Effective communication, information sharing, and transparency are essential elements of CRM, facilitating efficient risk identification, assessment, and mitigation.
  • Continuous Improvement: By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, CRM promotes ongoing evaluation and refinement of risk management processes to better address potential hazards.

2. Key Processes for Effective Collaborative Risk Management

Implementing CRM in your construction business involves several important steps aimed at ensuring comprehensive and effective risk identification and mitigation:

  • Risk Identification: Employ various methods, such as brainstorming sessions, expert opinions, and historical data analysis, to collaboratively identify potential risks associated with your construction project.
  • Risk Categorisation: Sort identified risks into categories based on their type, impact, and likelihood, to facilitate more focused and targeted risk management planning.
  • Risk Analysis and Evaluation: Assess the severity and likelihood of identified risks, taking into account factors such as project schedules, budgets, and stakeholder requirements. Prioritise risks based on their potential impact on project success.
  • Risk Mitigation Planning: Develop well-defined action plans for mitigating high-priority risks in collaboration with key stakeholders, continuously review and refine these plans throughout the project lifecycle.

3. Strategies for Nurturing a Collaborative Risk Management Culture

Creating a successful CRM culture within your construction business requires a proactive approach that nurtures teamwork, communication, and shared responsibility for risk management. Consider the following strategies:

  • Involve All Stakeholders from the Outset: Engage all project stakeholders in risk management activities, from the earliest planning stages through to project completion, to ensure diverse perspectives and expertise are represented.
  • Foster Open Communication: Establish channels for open and transparent communication among stakeholders, encouraging the sharing of information, insights, and concerns, to facilitate effective risk management decision-making.
  • Invest in Training and Education: Provide team members with training and resources to enhance their understanding of CRM processes and principles, helping to ensure successful implementation and continued effectiveness.
  • Celebrate Successes and Learn from Failures: Acknowledge and celebrate CRM successes as a team, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment. Equally, treat failures as valuable opportunities for learning and improvement.

4. How Edara Systems Supports Collaborative Risk Management

Edara Systems offers expert consultancy services and state-of-the-art software solutions that can empower your construction business to successfully implement Collaborative Risk Management:

  • Expert Consultancy Services: Leverage Edara Systems’ industry expertise to receive guidance on adopting CRM and streamlining risk management processes. Benefit from personalised advice tailored specifically to your construction business’ needs.
  • Construction Management Software: Utilise Edara Systems’ innovative software solutions that support CRM by providing real-time data, communication tools, and collaboration features to assist in effectively managing project risks.
  • Customised Training and Support: Receive tailored training and ongoing support to ensure your team has the skills and knowledge required to effectively implement and maintain CRM processes.


Collaborative Risk Management provides a powerful and comprehensive approach to managing the uncertainties inherent in the construction industry. By engaging all stakeholders, promoting open communication, and fostering a shared responsibility for risk management, CRM enables construction businesses to effectively decipher and deal with potential hazards, paving the way for project success.

At Edara Systems New Zealand offers expert guidance, innovative construction management software tools, and unparalleled support that can assist your construction business in harnessing the full potential of Collaborative Risk Management. Let us help your construction business thrive in an ever-evolving industry landscape, confidently navigating the complexities of risk management and fostering a culture of collaboration, transparency, and success. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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